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The Book of James

"The Joy of Trials"


Logan Smith

Oct. 16th, 2022

"Sovereign and Good: No Blame for the Bad, All Credit for the Good"

Logan Smith

Oct. 23rd, 2022

"True Religion: Receiving, Believing, and Doing the Word"


Logan Smith

Oct. 30th, 2022

"The Sins of Partiality"


Logan Smith

Nov. 6th, 2022

"Two Wisdoms: Wisdom from Above & Wisdom from Below"

Logan Smith

Dec. 11th, 2022

"Faith Without Works is Dead: it Doesn't Save Anyone"

Logan Smith

Nov. 13th, 2022

"A Call to Repent and a Promise of Grace"

Logan Smith

Dec. 18th, 2022

"The Power, Danger, & Spiritual Significance of Our Words"

Logan Smith

Dec. 4th, 2022

"He Holds Tomorrow in His Hands"

Logan Smith

January 1st, 2023

"Patiently Enduring Suffering in Light of Coming Judgment & Salvation"

Logan Smith

January 8th, 2023

"Practical Instructions for Putting our Faith into Practice"

Logan Smith

January 15th, 2023

© 2020 by Bread of Life Baptist Church. 

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