Plattsburgh, NY
At Bread of Life, we are an independent, autonomous church that believes the local congregation is the highest earthly church authority, directly underneath the authority of Christ through His Word, the Bible. However, we also rejoice in the unity we have with the universal Church throughout the world and joyfully partner with other doctrinally-aligned churches for the purposes of carrying out the Great Commission to the ends of the earth (Matt. 28:18-20). We are voluntarily affiliated with....
The Cornerstone Network
A network of likeminded churches focused on training pastors, planting/revitalizing churches, and missions
The Adirondack Baptist Association
Our local Baptist association dedicated to supporting local Baptist churches and ministry work in the North Country region of Upstate New York
The Southern Baptist Convention
A national organization of Baptist churches who share a basic theology and choose to cooperate for the purposes of missions, theological education, and church planting